Monday, February 26, 2007

this is the time
for love
this is the time
for peace
Cause how many times
will we allow it to be taken
it just what they want us to do

this is the time
for strength
for wisdom
we can ignore
the war that we are in
and I know someplace deep it hardens your heart

how many times
will it take
our people
and when i
say this i mean
all people
there is a price
for peace

it will cost
and compassion

this is the time
for action
to raise our voices
so raise your voice and be heard

throw down your guns
wipe your tears
stop wasting your life living in fear

we must stand up and be counted
to be silent now is going to cost us
much more than money.
much more
one life lost
is too great a number

we must stand up for one another
speak loud and clear
gather together
and lets hope it isn't to late

outside my window
there are no bullets skying

but i still feel them pierce my skin
when they fly

Why is is so
that it must be in
your back yard
for you to see
its just what they they want you to see

sometimes i close my eye and pretend
we are all sitting around remember when
there were wars
and destructing
and slavery
and hate

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